/ Indicators / 43% of Online Shoppers in US Shop on Amazon at Least Once a Week, Q2 2017 | Market Track
43% of Online Shoppers in US Shop on Amazon at Least Once a Week, Q2 2017 | Market Track
E-Commerce & Retail|USA
89% of online shoppers in US shop on Amazon; up 2% since Q1 2017. 43% of them shop on Amazon at least once a week. 30% shop on Amazon at least once a month, while only 27% do so several times a year.
"Market Track" has joined forces with "InfoScout" to form a new one brand, "Numerator" which is a marketing intelligence firm that brings together omnichannel marketing, merchandising and sales data to make pursuing new possibilities simple for brands, retails and also agency clients.Numerator is considered as the only company in the marketplace to connect omnichannel purchase data and comprehensive path data in order to deliver an unmatched view of the consumer shopping and purchase experience.