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42% of the European Christmas Budget in 2017 Will Be Spent on Gifts | Deloitte

E-Commerce & Retail | Europe

For Many, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but sometimes gift shopping can also make it the most horrible time of the year. People in Netherland and Europe spend on gifts between €120 and €188 on average.

In general, Spain holds the highest expected spending during holidays, followed by the UK and Italy, while the lowest levels are expected to be in Russia, the Netherlands and Poland.

During Christmas, 42% of the Christmas budget of 2017 in Europe will be spent on gifts, compared to 41% in the Netherlands, followed by food with rates of 30% in Europe and 33% in the Netherlands.

42% of Christmas Budget in Europe will be Spent on Christmas Gifts, 2017

Graph Shows the Estimated Spending of Christmas Budget in Europe & Netherlands in 2017.


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