Research released by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) at the start of 2017 shows that many content marketers find success on LinkedIn than on any other social platforms. There are more than 467 million professionals on LinkedIn; that’s over half of the 600 million professionals on the planet. These are the decision makers, influencers and leaders of today and tomorrow -the people you want to target- all in one place.
The goal of this guide is to provide the marketers with the most up-to-date LinkedIn features, tips and tactics which learn you how to market to who matters on linkedIn:
Chapter 1: Why does my business need LinkedIn?.
Chapter 2: Market to who matters.
Chapter 3: Optimizing your profile.
Chapter 4: Expand your network of influencers.
Chapter 5: Easily keep your finger on the pulse.
Chapter 6: Build your brand and company presence organically.
Chapter 7: Expand your targeted reach: Paid Ads on LinkedIn.
Chapter 8: Measure the impact and optimize.
Chapter 9: Unlock the power of LinkedIn’s partner programs.