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The Gen AI Decision-Maker’s Guide for CX | Grammarly

Artificial Intelligence

How to Use This Guide

As you embark on your journey to adopt generative AI, it’s crucial to secure support for your investment, clearly define how you plan to leverage the technology and understand the associated risks and considerations for AI in general, as well as specific solutions. This guide provides essential insights to help you:

  • Develop a clear strategy for utilizing generative AI
  • Build a compelling case to integrate AI into your CX organization
  • Choose the right solution that meets your specific needs, securely

Here’s how to navigate the noise and make informed, scalable AI decisions that drive impact for your CX team.

Why Now?

The State of Gen AI in CX Organizations

In the rapidly evolving world of customer experience (CX), generative AI (gen AI) has become a game-changer. CX teams are leveraging gen AI to deliver personalized communication, streamline customer support, and boost operational efficiency.

Generative AI is quickly proving to be an essential tool for CX organizations striving to maintain high customer satisfaction. Despite its potential, CX teams have been slower in adopting this technology. According to Grammarly’s 2024 State of Business Communication Report, only 37% of CX professionals have experimented with gen AI in their roles.

CX Teams Are Slow to Adopt AI


Early adopters of generative AI (gen AI) regularly highlight its transformative benefits, including saving an average of seven hours each week in productivity. This is particularly valuable for customer-facing teams, as it allows them more time to focus on delivering an exceptional customer experience.

CX agents who use AI in their daily tasks report reduced workloads and lower stress levels. They believe AI enhances their performance, improves work quality, and helps prevent miscommunications that would otherwise cost time and add stress.

Integrating gen AI is no longer optional for CX teams—it’s essential. Those taking a “wait and see” approach are already falling behind. The key challenge now is equipping teams with the right tools to experiment, optimize, and eventually standardize AI use across the department, unlocking its full potential at scale.

Discover how generative AI can transform your customer experience strategy. Continue reading to explore key insights and download the full guide now!

Table of Contents of “The Gen AI Decision-Maker’s Guide for CX”:

  • How to Use This Guide
  • Why Now?
    • The State of Gen AI in CX Organizations
    • CX Teams Are Slow to Adopt AI
  • Gen AI Use Cases for CX
  • Customer Spotlight: How Databrick’s CX Team Improves TTR and Boosts Productivity With Grammarly for Business
  • The Opportunities and Risks of Gen AI for CX
  • Questions for Your Gen AI Vendor
  • Grammarly’s Ensemble Gen AI Model
  • Grammarly’s Enterprise-Grade Security Approach
  • Human First, Responsible AI

Number of Pages:

  • 18 pages


  • Free

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