Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach and engage your audience. It offers a higher ROI than other less direct channels. It’s widely used as an efficient and cost-effective method for new customer acquisition. So, building a subscriber list is fundamental to email marketing. In the same context, the subscription process is the gateway to that customers’ journey with brands and can set the tone long after your customers opt-in.
Dig deeper into the state of email subscribe forms in 2018 and what UK retailers are doing well and how they can give their subscription form an edge:
It has been clear that marketers need to change their methods of gaining permission to send marketing messages after the changes that the EU’s General Date Protection Regulation (GDPR) bring to data acquisition, collection and, management.
In Jan. 2018 Holistic Email Marketing & Pure360 subscribed to emails from 80 different retail brands of all sizes, markets and name-brand familiarity. They also registered as customers if the brand offered that option. Then they tracked the email results and compiled them to get as comprehensive a picture as possible of retailers’ email subscription practices.