Digital Marketing Guides & Strategies

How to build and deliver a successful modular content strategy | Brightspot

Content Marketing

Executive Summary

As the market evolves and the demand for enhanced control intensifies, organizations are increasingly looking for solutions that address both their operational needs and their key audiences’ expectations. Achieving this balance is feasible with the right technology and a reliable partner to navigate the process.

This eBook explores the concept of modular content and its critical role in delivering an exceptional experience for your current and future audiences. Additionally, we demonstrate how Brightspot’s modular content capabilities can empower your teams with greater control and provide you with peace of mind.

“When I spoke with David Gang, the CEO and co-founder of Brightspot, it’s clear that the market is just now maturing to appreciate the strategic benefits that a headless CMS and modular approach to content can provide. Most organizations will simply not set out on their content management journey to start with a headless, modular CMS. But as their channels and operations become richer and more varied over time, they rather quickly discover that their existing traditional CMS was not designed for such a decentralized, federated existence.”

Dion Hinchcliffe
Source: The future of enterprise content is modular and headless

Experience Holds Power

In today’s digital landscape, delivering a positive user experience is crucial. Failure to do so can result in losing your audience and potential buyers. However, if you can provide a personalized and engaging experience, you’ll not only retain your current audience but also attract new ones. Experience holds power, and it’s vital for organizations to enhance and improve the content they offer, regardless of where their audience is located or the language they speak. Every business is now a content business.

To achieve this, leaders from various departments—publishing, digital, and technical—must collaborate to establish the right systems and strategies for creating unique and authentic experiences. The key to this is integrating modular content capabilities into your content hub strategy. Modular content allows for precise control over individual content elements, enabling tailored distribution across different devices (e.g., gas station pumps, computer screens) and personalized experiences.

How To Build And Deliver A Modular Content Strategy | DMC

Modular Content: Simplifying Complexity

Modular content refers to content reuse driven by the need to deliver information across multiple devices and screens in various formats for different audiences. Traditionally, content creation focused on a single medium or audience at a time. However, as global operations and consumer expectations grow, content must now be available across all platforms (print, desktop, mobile, apps, wearables) and tailored for different locations and languages.

This shift presents a significant challenge: managing the myriad variations of content required for diverse channels and audiences can overwhelm content teams, particularly those with limited resources. Modular content simplifies this complexity by providing granular control over content distribution and presentation. Think of it as a set of building blocks—each piece of modular content can range from a single sentence to a complete module on a page, depending on your business needs.

How It Works

  1. Combine several small sentence “blocks” to create a full article suitable for display on a website.
  2. Select a subset of these blocks for the print version of the article, adjusting for print’s space constraints.
  3. Use a few blocks as pull quotes, styled uniquely for inclusion in a reviews section.
  4. If your business defines modular content as distinct modules, assembling multiple blocks can form a page that works across your desktop website, Apple, Android, and Roku apps.

When organizations master content reuse and effectively deliver across all channels and audiences, they reap significant benefits, including:

  • Enhanced control over the content, with a clear record of modifications, so teams can track the original approved content and any changes made for local or regional use.
  • The capability to decompose content and manage its revisions and variations for localized, compliant use.

For instance, consider a global business with consultants serving multiple markets. Despite a small editorial team, they needed to streamline processes to enable efficient content reuse. The content needed to be relevant for diverse regions like Japan and Germany. By using modular content, the editorial team provided a unified experience across larger markets while also adapting content for smaller markets like Russia. In Russia, they used translated information from the global site, focusing on the most relevant topics, to ensure a rich and engaging experience.

Unlock the full potential of modular content! Continue reading to explore how content reuse can revolutionize your strategy. Download the complete guide now!

Related guide: Content Strategy Guide | Brandwatch

Table of Contents of “How to build and deliver a successful modular content strategy” Guide:

  • Experience holds power
  • Modular content: Simplifying complexity
  • Building a modular content strategy:
  • How Brightspot can help
  • How it all comes together: A case study
  • Multi-purpose modular content capabilities
  • Conclusion

Number of Pages:

  • 15 pages


  • Free

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