Digital Marketing Guides & Strategies

How to Make the Right Marketing Investments | Hibu

Consumer Behavior


Welcome to the journey of elevating your business with smart marketing investments! Owning an exceptional business is a remarkable achievement, yet that’s just the beginning. The reality is, no matter how outstanding your products or services are, they won’t sell themselves – a notion we all wish were true. Visibility is key; without it, potential customers remain just that, potential.

This is where the pivotal role of marketing comes into play. With a myriad of strategies flooding the internet, it’s easy to feel lost in the sea of “must-dos” for promoting your business. The essence, however, lies in selecting marketing tactics that align perfectly with the unique demands and objectives of your business.

Let’s unveil the essentials of making informed marketing investments, ensuring every dollar contributes effectively to your success.

The Right Customers

Contrary to initial thoughts, the journey doesn’t start with budgeting (though we’ll touch on that crucial aspect later in this guide). First and foremost, understanding your customers is paramount.

Gaining insights into who they are paves the way for strategic marketing decisions. Many businesses craft “personas” – detailed fictional profiles embodying their customer base or potential market, based on demographic data, behavior patterns, and motivational drivers.

These personas are invaluable for customizing your marketing efforts to resonate with the specific preferences and requirements of both your existing and prospective clientele. The most effective personas go beyond basic demographics to delve into unique needs, leisure activities, online shopping habits, and more, offering a comprehensive view of what truly engages your ideal customers.

How to Make the Right Marketing Investments | DMC

After crafting a detailed persona for your primary target customer, you might consider developing additional personas to encapsulate the diversity of your customer base. However, initially, focus on creating a single, thoroughly detailed persona. If you find yourself uncertain about aspects of your customer’s motivations, consistently question “Why?” This probing question helps delve deeper into the motivations behind your customers’ actions, allowing you to uncover the core truths that drive them.

The Right Competitors

Developing personas is a crucial step in understanding your target customers, but there’s another layer of research that can significantly boost your market competitiveness—competitive analysis. This process entails studying your rivals to grasp what they’re doing right and identifying their strengths.

By observing trends and strategies that lead to their success, you can learn valuable lessons. Ask yourself, what are these successful competitors doing that resonates with customers, and how can you possibly improve upon these tactics?

The journey begins by pinpointing who your competitors are. Even if only a handful come to mind initially, a thorough search on Google using your product or service category and location can reveal both familiar faces and new entrants. Look through the top 50 search results and the advertisements that pop up; you might discover competitors you hadn’t considered or were unaware of.

Moving forward, dive deeper into each identified competitor, exploring their background, offerings, marketing strategies, sales tactics, and team. This comprehensive analysis aims to identify gaps in the market—areas your competitors have overlooked, presenting unique opportunities for your business to shine.

As you conduct this research, focus on uncovering “white spaces” or untapped market segments where your business can make a significant impact. Consider where there might be customer interest that competitors are neglecting. For example, if you notice a lack of competitors utilizing search advertising, this could indicate an underestimation of its value, offering you a chance to capitalize on it.

Similarly, if competitors are on social media but engage infrequently, there lies an opportunity for your business to connect with and cater to a social media-savvy customer base more effectively.

The Right Budget

Let’s address a critical aspect of your business strategy: your budget. Finding the sweet spot for your marketing budget is challenging. It’s essential to strike a balance, as overspending can strain your business’s financial health while underspending or investing in ineffective strategies can be equally detrimental.

One common approach is to allocate a portion of your gross revenue to marketing, which naturally adjusts your spending in line with your revenue fluctuations. However, the appropriate amount can vary significantly depending on factors like your industry, level of competition, profit margins, and more.

For small businesses generating under $5 million in revenue, a general guideline is to dedicate 7–8% of your gross revenue to marketing. Typically, consumer-facing businesses (B2C) may require a higher marketing budget than those selling to other businesses (B2B).

It’s also advisable to allocate a larger portion of your budget to marketing during the early stages of your business to build brand awareness and attract new customers, which often requires a substantial investment. As your business becomes more established and you’ve built a solid customer base, you might find it possible to moderate your marketing spending. Nevertheless, continuous investment in marketing is crucial for attracting new customers and retaining current ones.

Be cautious not to fall into a trap where decreasing sales leads to reduced marketing budgets, further diminishing sales. A downturn in sales might signal the need to boost your marketing efforts, especially if competitors are scaling back on theirs.

Remember, a budget serves as a tool to achieve your goals. Even with ample funding, your marketing efforts need a strategic plan to succeed effectively.

Unlock Your Business’s Potential Now! Download our comprehensive guide to making smart marketing investments that drive growth and profitability.

The Table of Contents of “How to Make the Right Marketing Investments” Guide:

  • Introduction
  • The Right Customers
  • The Right Competitors
  • The Right Budget

Number of Pages:

  • 10 pages


  • Free

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