It’s easy to get into a routine in what you post on the social media, but when you post and how you set up your posts is the point.
Sizing specs, keyboard shortcuts, tips for posting, the best times of the day to post on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn and trends marketers should expect in social media are mentioned below:
- Profile Photo: 180 × 180.
- Cover Photo: 828 × 315.
- Best Days & Times to Post: Thursdays & Fridays. 1 PM most shares, 3 PM most likely.
- Profile Photo: 400 × 400.
- Header Photo: 1500 × 500.
- Best Days & Times to Post: Wednesdays, Saturdays & Sundays. 1 PM most retweets, 12 PM & 6 PM highest CTR.
- Profile Photo: 165 × 165.
- Board Photo: 222 × 150 px (large Thumbnail), 55 × 55 px (small Thumbnail).
- Best Days & Times to Post: Saturdays. Pin 8 PM- 11 PM, Peak time 9 PM.
- Channel Cover: 1500 × 500.
- Video Uploads: 1280 × 760.
- Best Days & Times to Post: Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. 12 PM-3 PM. Avoid 5:6 PM.
- Profile Photo: 160 × 160.
- Photo Thumbnail: 292 ×292.
- Best Days & Times to Post: Saturdays, highest post activity is from 3 PM to 4 PM on average.
- Thumbnail Photos: 160 × 160.
- Pulse Pages Featured Image: 700 × 400.
- Best Days & Times to Post: Tuesdays, between 10 AM-11 AM.
![Infographic: Social Media Cheat Sheet for 2017 | On Blast Blog 1 | Digital Marketing Community Social Media Cheat Sheet for 2017 On Blast Blog]()