If you’ve worked in marketing for any period of time, you’re familiar with influencer marketing. But, is it just another dying trend or is it a marketing tactic worth exploring? Well, we can say it all depends on your strategy. Adding influencer marketing into your overall strategy can help to increase your brand awareness, grow your follower base, and drive major sales. A Nielsen’s study revealed that over 9 in 10 of people trust brand recommendations from individuals (even if they don’t know them).
Influencer marketing programs can be overwhelming, especially when company leadership isn’t fully convinced that their teams need to devote extra time and resources to promoting the content they’ve created.
Looking to build, or expand, an influencer program as part of your content marketing strategy? Content Marketing Institute has gathered some of the smartest practices in the industry to help increase your understanding of the technique, and enable you to use it to amplify the impact of your content. It has also supplied some profitable advice, process guides, and templates that will make it easier for you to plan and execute your program while keeping your efforts on track with your goals.
Influencer Marketing Examples: The packaged water brand Boxed Water enlisted Instagram influencers Jaime King, Aidan Alexander, and Meg DeAngelis to drum up support for its National Forest Foundation philanthropy initiative.