Digital Marketing Guides & Strategies

How to simplify and accelerate your digital transformation journey | Brightspot



Digital transformation means different things to different organizations, teams, and individuals. This variation exists because the impact and effort required by each group are unique. Despite this, a common perception is that digital transformation is a massive, daunting task.

This misconception often prevents organizations from taking the first step in their digital transformation journey; they feel overwhelmed and paralyzed by the perceived complexity. For others, the process does become a huge undertaking, even when it doesn’t have to be.

Today’s digital demands and consumer expectations are forcing businesses to prioritize technology needs. Organizations must adapt quickly to stay relevant.

This eBook explains how organizations can transform their web presence by launching a single site, whether standalone or as part of a multisite environment. It provides a straightforward, step-by-step guide for getting started, regardless of where you are on your journey. You’ll find solutions to common challenges and learn how to highlight competitive differentiators like speed-to-market and smooth content migration, all aimed at boosting your organization’s digital transformation efforts.

Simplify and accelerate your digital transformation | DMC

Step1: Starting Out-Common digital transformation challenges

Proper Planning Impacts Everything

Proper planning affects every aspect of a project. It can influence budget, team morale, goal achievement, and securing future project funding. Most teams understand this because they’ve experienced the consequences of poor planning.

For some organizations, mistakes occur due to errors or poor decisions made during the planning process. For others, mistakes happen because they simply don’t know how to plan or where to start.

Simplify and accelerate your digital transformation | DMC

3 Steps to Avoid Planning Mistakes:

  1. Establish the Team and Identify Decision Makers: Organizations need the right people on the team to plan and implement a project. Everyone should be aligned on the approach, including details like when and where meetings will be held. Decide whether the team will have daily scrums or weekly touch-base meetings. Identify the person who will have the final say on decisions, typically the project champion, and establish a direct line of communication with them.
  2. Clearly Articulate Expected Outcomes: Some teams move too quickly and identify a solution before fully understanding the problem. They need to ask and answer key questions to inform their strategy:
    • “What are we trying to achieve?”
    • “What tools do we need to accomplish our goals?” Once these questions are answered, teams can operationalize a strategy, knowing which tools to use, what workflows to establish, and what content to create.
  3. Find the Right Solution and Partner: Choosing the right solution and partner can significantly improve the planning process from both a strategic and tactical standpoint. For example, Brightspot’s team has expertise in launching sites for hundreds of globally known brands. Their experience, combined with a flexible and intuitive product, makes execution straightforward and efficient.

Step 2: Move Deliberately but Quickly The obvious—and not-so-obvious reasons—why speed-to-market matters

Deciding in advance to take small, quick steps is crucial for successful digital transformation. As technologies and customer expectations rapidly evolve, these small wins can significantly impact business goals.

Simplify and accelerate your digital transformation | DMC

3 Benefits of Speed:

  1. Speed Equals Savings: Organizations are naturally price-sensitive, and budget considerations become crucial when comparing a six-month project to a 30-day one. Staying within budget is a top priority. Launching a single site allows organizations to focus on completing one task correctly, on time, and within budget. For sites within an existing ecosystem, additional team members and lengthy review cycles can complicate the timeline, making it difficult to adhere to a 30-day timeframe.
  2. Speed Creates Quick Wins: Companies don’t need to launch multiple websites to be competitive. Successfully launching a single site can quickly lead to internal buy-in and serve as a proof of concept, potentially securing more funding for future projects. We recommend starting small, doing it well, and then moving on to the next project rather than attempting to tackle everything at once.
  3. Speed Leads to Learning: Launching a single site, whether standalone or part of an existing ecosystem, will inevitably lead to valuable lessons. These lessons, tied closely to quick wins, enable teams to highlight successes and areas for improvement, making future launches or iterations even better and faster.

Unlock the full potential of your digital transformation. Download the guide Now to continue reading!

Related report: Maximizing CMS for omnichannel experiences | Bright Spot

Table of Contents of “How to simplify and accelerate your digital transformation journey” Guide:

  • Common Digital Transformation Challenges
  • Why Speed-to-Market Matters: The Obvious and Not-so-Obvious
  • Simplifying Content Migration from Legacy Systems
  • Ensuring Systems are Day-1 Ready and Future-proofed

Number of Pages:

  • 17 pages


  • Free

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