Digital Marketing Guides & Strategies

Time to Change Channels and Your Cross-Channel Strategy | Adobe Experience Cloud


Today’s Marketing Landscape

Marketers today are connecting with leads through more channels than ever. The digital era has made the business purchasing process intricate and sometimes challenging to navigate. Prospective customers interact with an average of 7.9 touchpoints before making a decision. They might discover a product on social media, download a white paper, attend a webinar, and then read various reviews.

Given this complexity, it’s no wonder that 77 percent of business buyers believe B2B shopping is too complicated. Since buyers gather information from numerous channels, it is crucial that these channels operate effectively, both individually and collectively. Disjointed experiences can extend your sales cycles by weeks or even months.

However, when your metrics indicate that one or more channels are failing to engage your audience effectively, identifying the root cause can be challenging. A frustrating array of issues may contribute to engagement problems across channels, including:

  • Marketing on channels that your customers don’t use
  • Not adhering to best practices for each channel
  • Promoting content and events that don’t resonate with your audience
  • Failing to understand how different personas and industries interact with your channels

Taking the time to troubleshoot your cross-channel performance is worthwhile. Doing so will enhance the overall buying experience for your customers and expedite their journey to saying “yes.”

This eBook can assist you in diagnosing underperforming channels, implementing cross-channel strategies, and quickly improving your results.

Check your channels

Identifying the reasons behind poor channel performance can be challenging. Your messaging might not resonate, your content could be too lengthy or too brief, or you may be posting too frequently or not enough. It’s also possible that your audience simply doesn’t engage with the channels you prioritize.

When you choose to evaluate the performance of underperforming channels, starting with the following questions can be beneficial.

Time to Change Channels & Your Cross-Channel Strategy | DMC

Start with your personas

  • Who engages with this channel?

Business purchases are typically made by groups of buyers representing various roles across different departments (such as finance, IT, procurement, and marketing). These roles and departments can differ based on factors like company size, location, industry, product complexity, industry standards, and government regulations.

As a result, different buyers utilize various combinations of channels at different stages of their buying journey. When assessing a channel that isn’t performing well, consider how your buyer personas interact with that channel at each stage of their journey. Then, ensure your content aligns with your buyers’ needs.

Consider your overall approach

  • Are you adhering to best practices for each channel?

Ensure that you’re implementing best practices tailored to each channel. Your messaging may need to be adjusted in length based on the platform (e.g., email versus blog), or you might need to modify how frequently you communicate across different channels.

For instance, should you post on Twitter every hour? How many emails should your leads receive from you each week? Understanding when and how often your audience prefers to hear from you is essential for effective engagement.

  • Is your content suitable for your audience?

It’s common for even experienced marketers to experience mismatches between the content their audience desires and what is actually delivered. For example, if you’re targeting finance executives through a specific channel, the content shared there should focus on your product’s total cost of ownership (TCO) and return on investment (ROI).

  • Is your experience tailored?

A generic, one-size-fits-all approach can hinder performance. Ideally, your prospects should encounter content that aligns with their industry, role, and stage in the buying journey. While manually personalizing content can be challenging, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning now enable you to automate this process at scale.

Continue reading to explore effective cross-channel strategies and download the comprehensive guide now!

Related guide: The Ultimate Guide to Omnichannel Marketing Strategy | Paldesk

Table of Contents of “Time to Change Channels – and Your Cross-Channel Strategy” Guide:

  • Check your channels
  • Start with your personas
  • Consider your overall approach
  • Understand multi-channel performance
  • Build a foundation for better performance across all your channels

Number of Pages:

  • 12 pages


  • Free

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