Digital Marketing Guides & Strategies

How CMS integrations power successful customer experiences for your business | Brightspot

Customer Experiences

Executive Summary

Organizations and publishers today recognize that no two customers are the same whether operating in the B2B or B2C space, customer preferences, responses, and engagement levels can vary greatly.

To cater to diverse customer needs, businesses must understand the complete customer journey and deliver impactful content tailored to different audiences. Achieving this requires an integrated tech stack, where systems communicate seamlessly, allowing the organization to adapt and grow.

In this white paper, created in partnership with Amazon Web Services, we explore the importance of CMS integrations, key integrations for understanding the customer journey and enabling swift transformation, and actionable steps organizations can take to adopt an integration-friendly approach for future success.

The integration landscape: Marketers’ (and customers’) expectations today

Integration-ready solutions are a priority for today’s marketers. A recent report from the Customer Data Platform (CDP) Institute found that when martech leaders were asked about their top considerations for selecting marketing technology, integration with external systems (53%) ranked highest. This surpassed factors like ease of learning and use (51%), breadth of features (40%), operating costs for fees and staffing (36%), and initial costs of acquisition and deployment (32%).

The report also highlighted improvements in unifying data from multiple sources. Over half (52%) of respondents now connect their customer-facing systems to a unified customer database, shared orchestration engine, marketing automation platform, or CRM platform, up from 37% in 2017.

These insights indicate that an integrated tech stack is becoming a top priority for businesses, surpassing price considerations for two main reasons:

  1. Rapid Digital Transformation: Keeping up with the fast pace of competition and meeting consumers where they are in the buying cycle requires adaptable tools. Integration-friendly solutions are essential for organizations seeking to build and transform quickly.
  2. Customer Personalization: An integration-friendly CMS enhances the customer experience by delivering personalized content. For news publishers, this means recommending related content based on a reader’s interests. For eCommerce brands, it involves sending timely push notifications and email newsletters to encourage sales.

 Why integrations with your CMS matter

The industry increasingly prioritizes and recognizes the importance of integrations and an integrated technology stack. Let’s explore why CMS integrations matter and the benefits of having digital experiences built on integration-ready platforms.

We believe that every business today is a content business. Your content establishes your brand, and whether you’re a B2B or B2C organization, the right brand connection with clients and customers fosters loyalty and drives sales.

Delivering the right content to the right audience builds trust. By using your CMS as the “hub” of all your integrations, you can gain a complete view of the customer, which is essential for achieving this goal. With an integration-ready CMS platform at the center, businesses can:

How CMS Integrations Power Customer Experiences | DMC

What integrations with your CMS matter

We’ve discussed why integrations with your CMS are crucial and how using your CMS as the hub for all integrations can drive rapid business transformation and enhance customer experiences. Now, let’s delve into the specific integrations that support these efforts.

How CMS Integrations Power Customer Experiences | DMC

When evaluating integration-ready platforms, consider factors beyond the types of integrations offered. Custom integration options from your CMS provide ultimate flexibility. Brightspot CMS, for example, includes numerous pre-built plug-and-play integrations to increase speed and reduce costs. Organizations and publishers can also integrate their own services directly into their workflows, ensuring seamless operations.

Additionally, GraphQL APIs for content management and delivery to other external systems mean transformation can happen without delay. An integration-ready CMS platform allows businesses to adapt, extend, enhance, and grow without limitations.

Actions to take today

Now more than ever, businesses recognize the dynamic nature and rising expectations of customers. Consequently, organizations and publishers view digital transformation as an ongoing journey rather than a one-time event, adapting continuously to meet evolving customer needs.

When assessing your current CMS or setup, start by identifying the gaps in your tech stack—where is your data not providing a complete picture? Next, evaluate whether your CMS offers the integrated approach you need. Does it provide the flexibility of both pre-built and custom integration options? Can you seamlessly integrate your own third-party data and services, or does it hinder your progress?

Consider your CMS as the hub of all your integrations. A content hub solution evaluates the business holistically, enabling the digital transformation journey to begin with your existing systems through an integration-friendly approach, rather than overhauling current systems and processes.

While integration readiness is prioritized above ease of use and operating costs, these factors shouldn’t be compromised. Brightspot CMS is revolutionizing the field by offering a truly flexible, user-friendly, and integration-ready CMS solution that supports rapid digital transformation for all businesses.

Table of Contents of “How CMS integrations power successful customer experiences for your business” Guide:

  • Executive Summary
  • The integration landscape: Marketers’ (and customers’) expectations today
  • Why integrations with your CMS matter
  • What integrations with your CMS matter
  • Actions to take today

Number of Pages:

  • 10 pages


  • Free

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