Designing really good emails that get attract your reader’s attention will be easy when following these tips about the email design, which also highlights the technical aspects to keep in mind:
- Set Up: Before diving into design use these tactics to create open-inducing emails:
- Subject line.
- Preheader text.
- Personalization.
- Dynamic content.
- Email layout.
- Email width.
- User experience (UX).
- Imagery: You are headed into the homestretch. Now let’s play with some shapes and colors:
- Images.
- Video.
- Gifs.
- Copy/Tone.
- Whitespace.
- Optimization: the finish line is in sight, time to put the final touches:
- Web fonts & fallbacks.
- Mobile optimization.
- Call-to-Action (CTA).
- Links.
- Footer.
![Infographic: A Checklist for Good Email Design | Campaign Monitor & Really Good Emails 1 | Digital Marketing Community The Only Checklist You Need for Really Good Email Design [Infographic]]()