I guess you’ve probably read enough about why content and content marketing are important for any business. For real estate businesses, a realtor is more than a salesman, and a house is more than the sum of its drywall and vanilla accents. As a real estate agent, you know you need a content marketing strategy for your real estate agent website. But for ordinary people, buying their forever home is an experience like no other.
Marketers working in the real estate sector are responsible for promoting and influencing the purchase of the largest asset the average American will ever own: a house. This whitepaper details 12 content marketing tactics every real estate brand can use to increase its curb appeal.
This whitepaper will teach you:
- What are the best-suited content formats for real estate businesses?
- How can real estate agents leverage social media and listing services?
- Why do newsletters and evergreen content never grow old?
- How are augmented and virtual reality (AR & VR) reshaping the home-human experience?
- Why do marketing events hold enormous value?
- How can you balance effective storytelling and legalese?
- How can you outdo competitors with physical and digital content ideas?
![12 Ways to Do Real Estate Content Marketing Like the Pros | Brafton 1 | Digital Marketing Community 12 Ways to Do Real Estate Content Marketing Like the Pros: A Guide for Content Marketing Real Estate in 2019: The Key Assets of Real estate Newsletters]()
The Key Assets of Real estate Newsletters
The Content of “12 Ways to do Real Estate Content Marketing Like the Pros” Whitepaper:
- Introduction
- Visuals of every kind
- Events-based marketing
- AR/VR for virtual tours
- Newsletter marketing
- App integration
- Success stories
- Local SEO
- Fact sheets and glossaries
- Evergreen content
- Co-branded influencer campaigns
- Storytelling
- Agent website and portal
- Conclusion
Number of Pages: