Digital Marketing Guides & Strategies

10 Ways to Generate Customer-Led Content | dotmailer

Content Marketing

84% of customers expect to see content-led emails from their favorite brands. So, marketers often struggle to generate ideas for engaging topics.

While 70% of B2B marketers planning to create more content in 2017 compared to the previous year, so you need to generate enough customer-led content to fuel your marketing strategy for years to come:

  1. 47% of B2B buyers in 2016 read 3 to 5 pieces of relevant content before engaging with a sales representative. That would help you deliver timely content that addresses any queries or reservations your customer might be having.
  2. Make sure you keep a continual watch of online forums related to your business, product and your wider industry.
  3. Engage in social listening from trending topics to group chats and #tags to specific mentions, there’s a fast-paced & fruitful conversation taking place across multiple platforms 24/7; all of this can be used to generate relevant content for your business.
  4. Do competitor research because that will help you identify key content areas that your contemporaries are pushing out to their subscribers.
  5. Use industry influencers because it bringing the power of influencer content to the point of sale trumpets the value of your products and services & helps customers feel they’re a part of an aspirational community.
  6. Utilize sites such as HitWise and UberSuggest to find out what your customers are searching for and then align your content campaigns with the most popular long-tail keyword searches related to your business/service.
  7. Repurpose information that’s constantly relevant to customers ensures you’re getting the best possible ROI for your efforts & minimizes time and resource pressures.
  8. Check your internal search queries on your website. You can find topics to include in your email campaigns.
  9. Create interesting stories for your customers through pulling data from your CRM, ESP, or e-commerce store.
  10. Nab from the news through lookout for events that align with your brand message.

10 Ways to Generate Customer-Led Content-dotmailer


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