NamesCon Global 2019 in Las Vegas is considered to be one of WorldHostingDays series of Domain and Hosting events around the world. Since its founding in 2013, NamesCon’s flagship event in Las Vegas has grown to be the largest and most anticipated domain industry event of the year.
This event is attracting professionals from around the world. Attendees will experience compelling keynotes, informative panels, and hands-on workshops led by industry experts. Aside from the actionable content, you’ll see on stage.
This is an energetic, 4-day event set against the backdrop of fabulous Las Vegas, so you’ll have no shortage of activities to fill your schedule!. NamesCon Global 2019 will take place from 27 – 30 of January 2019 at Tropicana Las Vegas, Las Vegas, the USA.
Conference’s Main Topics:
- The Domain Industry
- Web Hosting
- Digital Marketing
- Social Media
- Innovations
- Financial
- Brand Management
Why Should Attend?!
- NamesCon facilitates valuable personal connections through engaging social events and structured business networking opportunities.
- NamesCon will connect you to all aspects of the domain industry, from registrars, registries, web hosting companies, attorneys, brand managers, domain name investors, start-ups, affiliate marketing companies, parking companies, financial service providers, individual end-users, and everyone else in between!
- Attendees come from many different countries, and while they all share an interest in domaining, they work in a wide variety of industries.
- Choose from small expert-led conversations to panel discussions; fireside chats with industry leaders to keynote talks with renowned speakers.
- Every evening we network and let loose! Notable highlights include our Opening Reception; an exciting live Domain Auction; and Closing Party event.
Who Should Attend?!
- Innovators
- Senior marketers and branders
- Entrepreneurs
- Digital executives and professionals
- web & mobile strategists
- Designers and web project managers
- Business leaders
- Business developers
- Agency executives and their teams
- Anyone else who operates in the digital community will attend to learn and leverage digital, mobile, and social media marketing.
Conference’s Sponsors:
![NamesCon Global 2019 | Las Vegas, USA 1 | Digital Marketing Community NamesCon Global 2019 Sponsors]()
- Standard – Fall Sale – $699
- VIP – Fall Sale – $899