eTail West 2019 Conference in Palm Spring is considered to be of the Worldwide Business Research (WBR) series of eCommerce, retail, conversions, digital marketing, and social media events that held regularly around the world.
This event is a great opportunity for all who operate in the retail and eCommerce industry, as it brings together top minds at America’s most successful retailers to plan retail strategies for growth in 2019 and beyond.
eTail West 2019 Conference is a four-day event that introduces a great package of the best industry’s leaders, speakers, experts, and peers in all fields of the Digital marketing, in addition, a set of effective and valuable sessions, workshops, case studies, researches, talks, and presentations. It will take place from 19-22 of February 2019 at JW Marriott, Palm Springs, CA.
eTail West 2019 Conference Speakers:
![eTail West 2019 Conference | Palm Springs, USA 1 | Digital Marketing Community eTail West 2019 Conference Speakers]()
The Conference’s Main Topics:
- Innovations
- E-commerce
- Retail
- Affiliate Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Technology
- Social Media
- Brand Marketing
Why Should Attend?!
- Targeted, Unique Content
- A Community of Retailers
- Meeting the Decision Makers
- A Gorgeous Location
- Best-In-Class Awards
- Collaborate and learn about what’s disrupting the industry today and what’ll change tomorrow
- Explore the latest in the Digital Marketing, Social media, Retail, and eCommerce industry.
- Network within agencies and digital strategists
- Promote your latest products and services
- Grow Your Business
- Reinforce your existing business relationships
Who Can Attend?!
- Innovators
- Senior marketers and branders
- Entrepreneurs
- Digital executives and professionals
- web & mobile strategists
- Designers and web project managers
- Business leaders
- Business developers
- Agency executives and their teams
- Anyone else who operates in the digital community will attend to learn and leverage digital, mobile, and social media marketing.
Who will Attend?!
Big brands, agencies, and companies will attend the conference, such as:
![eTail West 2019 Conference | Palm Springs, USA 2 | Digital Marketing Community eTail West 2019 Conference | Palm Springs, USA 1 | Digital Marketing Community]()
![eTail West 2019 Conference | Palm Springs, USA 3 | Digital Marketing Community eTail West 2019 Conference Sponsors]()
- Retailers and Brands
-Four Day Pass (Feb 19-22, 2019) – $1,699
-Three Day Pass (Feb 20-22, 2019) – $1,499 - Non-Retailers
-Four Day Pass (Feb 19-22, 2019) – $4,499
-Three Day Pass (Feb 20-22, 2019) – $3,899 - Venture Capital Firms
-Four Day Pass (Feb 19-22, 2019) – $2,249
-Three Day Pass (Feb 20-22, 2019) – $1,999