Best Marketing Case Studies & Campaigns

Driving Efficient User Acquisition Through Persona-Based Video Creative | Case Study

While convenient and efficient for the consumer, video creative marketing provides marketers with an attractive, versatile, and extremely shareable medium to reach their audiences, and this case study is one representation of video creative power.

A data info-graph by Impact shows the extent of effect video marketing has.

Video creative marketing provides marketers with an attractive, versatile, and extremely shareable medium to reach their audiences.

3Q Digital were able to harness the power of video creative to help a client drive efficient user acquisition. The client is a California-based fitness chain specializing in short, high intensity group workout classes and personal instruction for all ages and fitness levels. The chain has five locations in the Los Angeles area and San Francisco Bay Area.


The 3Q team wanted to test out new video assets the client made but needed a performance strategy to drive new signups - because of very strong seasonality in the health/ fitness industry, the client was facing high off-season CPAs and did not have extra budget for awareness initiatives. 

In order to leverage the assets efficiently and get closer to the target CPA, 3Q set up a persona-focused creative test on Facebook.


The client’s video assets featured different types of customers speaking about their experience with the company. 

These videos were matched up to each of the closest-aligned audience “persona” ad sets. This matching was based on a combination of demographic, psychographic, and behavioral attributes. 

The primary goal was to allow the targeted audiences to “see themselves” in these new ad units. This approach created a very relevant, tailored experience for the users we targeted.


While static image units typically have stronger direct-response performance than video units, the tailored approach helped turn these video campaigns into a performance strategy. 

Though CTR decreased (in line with expectations when shifting from static ad units to video), the audience quality was much higher for the video traffic. 

Comparing three weeks of static image performance to the subsequent three weeks of persona-based video campaigns, CVR increased by 72% and CPA improved by 34%. 

Video creative marketing provides marketers with an attractive, versatile, and extremely shareable medium to reach their audiences.

3Q Digital

3Q Digital is Silicon Valley's agency of record and the largest independent digital marketing agency, and the way they work reflects their roots: 3Q Digital is relentless, restless, and constantly striving to innovate and drive growth for their clients. 3Q Digital is a fully integrated digital marketing agency based in Silicon Valley, with offices in downtown San Francisco, Chicago, Austin, New York City, San Diego, Raleigh, Charlottesville, and Burlington (VT). 3Q Digital offer SEM, SEO, social advertising, display, mobile advertising, analytics, and business strategy. 3Q Digital work with the fastest-growing B2C, B2B, e-commerce, and lead gen clients in the U.S.
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