When it comes to marketing, you frequently hear that it targets students. Why students, you may ask. After all, those are the people who struggle with an overwhelming amount of homework. They are those who take multiple odd jobs to pay for tuition and rent. They barely have time to buy something. Needless to say, …
If you ended up on this blog, I am sure you are in the grey area of content and not getting the desired results. Pushing out content every day is manageable but being a good digital marketer, you need to keep a quality check on the content so that it works with the audience. In …
With all the new technological innovations and advancements, video editing has become an effortless task for mobile phone users in the past decade. Android phones in particular have an outstanding selection of high-quality video editing apps that anyone can use for free. So, if you want to try out video editing or you’ve been editing …
Hong Kong is a booming economy and a good place for global entrepreneurs to set up shop. It offers a tax-friendly environment and is a gateway into the broader Asian markets. This article will show you the process of company registration in the region. Benefits of Company Registration in Hong Kong It provides access to …
Are you a builder or contractor looking to up your digital marketing strategy? There are plenty of options to consider, but you need to know that you’re making the right choices for your company. An excellent digital marketing strategy can make your business successful, but you must first understand what you’re doing. We’ll cover all …
When you are in a B2B industry like transportation, your marketing doesn’t revolve around prompting the buyers to buy. Instead, as a marketer, your job is to be on the top of your mind when they have decided to buy the services or products. Digital marketing for the B2B industry depends on credibility and authority. …
Giveaways are one of the best ways to engage with your audience and build your following on social media. However, if you want to be successful in hosting a giveaway, some key considerations need to be made. In this article, we will discuss tips for making your social media giveaway picker more attractive. How to …
In software development, testing is necessary to ensure that applications are functional, reliable, and meet users’ needs. Two important testing methodologies are end-to-end testing and functional testing; each has its unique scope, goals, and use cases. While both approaches are essential for software quality assurance, knowing the differences can help businesses and organizations make informed …
In 2023, Facebook remains one of the most powerful platforms for businesses to promote their products and services. As you create and run Facebook campaigns, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential to measure your success and make data-driven decisions. In this post, the UAWC marketing agency will explore ten Facebook KPIs that you should …