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Maximizing IT ROI in Marketing Agencies 

Digital Marketing | Aug 25, 2024

Marketing has become a lot more digitalized and requires the use of IT to back it up. Every single company has shifted to digital marketing since conventional forms of marketing are either obsolete or just not noticeable which results in sunk costs.

This is why they are solely dependent on IT assets for revenue generation and cannot afford to lose profits. The assets used by these companies are both hardware as well as software assets including but not limited to computers and all their parts, highly advanced storage systems as well as any equipment that helps with connectivity and networking.

Furthermore, there are multiple types of software used by such agencies that are used to design the material they come up with for customers. Other types of analytical software are also used since digital marketing is driven by data and it is crucial for such agencies to keep track of whether or not their numbers are going up.

There are multiple ways in which the ROI of IT assets can go up for marketing agencies:

1) IT Asset Management

The use of IT Asset Management software can drastically improve a company’s utilization of IT assets. For a fee, companies can get a license to monitor their IT assets and how much they are contributing to revenue generation. Such software also looks at the life cycles of these products and indicates when they are due for maintenance or replacement altogether.

This helps cut down unnecessary costs and tracks the depreciation of such assets. Such software also tracks the location and the ownership of these assets, so the company never loses sight of them.

2) Software Asset Management

As mentioned before, marketing agencies are fuelled by data and such data is nothing without software that analyzes or tracks it. For this reason,software asset management is also a crucial method of maximizing profits for marketing agencies. It is crucial to keep an eye on software licenses otherwise companies are susceptible to a fine or even a lawsuit if they do not comply with the terms and conditions of the software they use.

Furthermore, any delays in the renewal of licenses can add up to business costs since operations and work can slow down significantly. If a company wants to make the most out of its IT assets, then it must manage all the software it uses as well.

Maximizing IT ROI in Marketing Agencies | DMC

3) Strategic Planning:

Blindly following the latest trends without doing a quick SWOT analysis does no good. Instead, a company should focus on its strengths and look at the opportunities the market can provide for it instead of hopping on the bandwagon.

Marketing companies should come up with tailor-made strategies and see what sort of goals, targets, and needs it has. IT assets should be in line with these needs so that profit is milked out of them effortlessly. Buying assets just because competitors decided to buy something only encourages waste and diminishes returns.

4) Standardization:

A rule of thumb is that standardization helps save time as well as money in the long run. Marketing agencies should do the same and ensure that the same sort of equipment is used all across their companies if they want to ensure maximum productivity. It is much easier to follow one uniform procedure instead of having each individual work separately. This creates confusion and creates a lot of gaps.

Standardizing both hardware and software IT assets ensures uniformity which in turn helps with understanding tasks better and also helps employees in marketing agencies to collaborate effectively.

5)      Cloud Computing:

Any company that wants to thrive in this digital era should completely shift to cloud computing and solely rely on it to store its data. Cloud storage comes at a fraction of the price of other forms of data storage and also offers multiple benefits and features that can work for marketing agencies and help them maximize their ROI.

Maximizing IT ROI in Marketing Agencies | DMC

6)IT Training:

IT assets are practically useless if employees do not know how to operate them and use them to their full potential. Digital marketing is a lot more technical than conventional marketing used to be and anybody who is not tech-savvy would struggle a little to get around it. For this reason, it is pertinent for companies to invest in IT training which would then equip their employees with the relevant skills so that they can make the best out of IT assets they have.

7)User Feedback:

It is always a good idea to get feedback on whatever assets or software are being used. This is not restricted to employees only but also works for customers of marketing agencies or respondents whose data is analyzed. All stakeholders are exposed to some sort of software which is why it is important to get feedback.

Negative feedback would not slow an agency down, instead, it would help it to adopt corrective behavior on time and know what it should stray from. Companies pay hefty fees just to buy licenses for software so it is only fair for them to get some feedback and incorporate it.


Digital marketing has opened so many different doors for marketing strategies and is increasingly becoming dominant. Most marketing agencies have completely shifted to digital forms of marketing as conventional forms are either expensive, exhausting or simply obsolete.

Digitalization has created a lot of potential for companies and this potential can be achieved through the use of IT assets. ROI on IT assets can only increase and improve if the assets are utilized the right way, do not depreciate too quickly, and are also maintained, the revenue generated through their use can increase significantly.

A company that is so heavily dependent on technology needs to take care of its assets if it does not want to lose out on revenue generation. Marketing agencies can deliver excellent results and significantly grow their business if they use the best software, and hardware, and also maintain these assets.

They can also do better by training employees and taking feedback from customers so they can continuously improve and only deliver the sort of results they promise.

Noah Miller


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