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The Dubs

United Kingdom, London

The Dubs is the global content marketing agency in London, United Kingdom for the financial sector. The Dubs conceptualize, create and distribute content to meet the needs of finance brands when articulating their stories to customers and target audiences.

Being a financial services specialist The Dubs inherently understand the industry is bound by tight regulations and complex subject matter. The Dubs bring an editorial and publishing rigor to deliver engaging content that fits with compliance.

The Dubs have built its experience in financial services marketing since 1996 and cover the width of the industry. The Dubs work with retail and investment banks, asset and fund managers, insurers and brokers, financial planners and advisers, superannuation firms and pension houses, emerging markets and fintechs.

An integral part of its offer is the targeted distribution and amplification of content across social and digital channels. The Dubs have built deep relationships with the leading social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. And content is search engine optimized to rank highly within Google and further supported by search engine marketing campaigns.

The Dubs Scope of Services:

  • Strategy Services:
    • Content strategy
    • Social media strategy
    • Social media governance
    • Employee advocacy strategy
  • Content Production Services:
    • Editorial writing and sub-editing (including editorial guidelines)
    • Social posting creation
    • Image sourcing (including image guidelines)
    • Video and podcast production
    • Interactive chart production
    • Infographic and animation
  • Distribution and Paid Media Services: 
    • Organic social media publishing guidelines
    • Paid media planning (audience targeting, budget planning)
    • Paid media execution (creative execution, budget optimization)
    • Reporting (KPI planning, social media reporting)
  • SEO Services:  
    • SEO gap analysis
    • Keyword/phrase list generation to inform content creation
    • Competitor SEO analysis to help rank your content against competitors
    • SEO guidelines for best ‘on-page’ SEO practices
    • SEO consulting for website refreshes or rebuilds to maintain SEO ranking
  • Website UX, design and build Services:  
    • Website design and user experience
    • Journey pathing
    • Search engine optimization
    • Application development
    • Hosting
  • Research Services: 
    • Industry reporting
    • Competitor benchmarking
    • Trend analysis

The Dubs Top Clients:

  • Aberdeen Standard Investments
  • Alliance Bernstein
  • Aviva Investors
  • Citibank
  • Colonial First State Global Asset Management
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • First State Investments
  • Macquarie Bank
  • State Street Global Advisors
  • TAL

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  • Address : 126C, Parkshot House, 5 Kew Road Richmond, Surrey, TW9 2PR
  • Phones : 0203 488 0011
  • Location : View Google Map
  • Address : WeWork, Level 3 100 Harris Street Pyrmont, 2009
  • Phones : 02 8247 8700
  • Location : View Google Map


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