Digital Marketing Guides & Strategies

TikTok Won’t Stop: The Performance Playbook for Brands | WPROMOTE

Consumer Behavior

TikTok stands as a genuine phenomenon, surpassing YouTube in user engagement and boasting 755 million monthly users globally, making it the third-largest social network. Despite its rapid rise and popularity, brands remain hesitant to invest substantially due to its relative newness and less mature targeting and attribution capabilities compared to Facebook or YouTube.

However, delaying entry is a significant oversight. Waiting for TikTok to catch up with Meta risks encountering ad saturation, resulting in higher costs, increased competition, and diminishing consumer interest. Brands have a chance to gain a valuable early adopter advantage on TikTok by embracing its unique dynamics. The window of opportunity, however, won’t remain open indefinitely.

TikTok Won’t Stop: The Performance Playbook For Brands | DMC
This guide will help you learn how to:
  • Evaluate the TikTok opportunity against your brand’s business objectives and audience targets
  • Build a strong organic brand presence on TikTok, then amplify your efforts with a paid media strategy that drives incremental growth
  • Apply creative best practices unique to the platform and partner with TikTok creators to effectively connect with customers on TikTok and across channels
  • Set your business up for long-term success on TikTok and beyond with holistic, full-funnel measurement

The Opportunity: Evaluate TikTok As A Tool for Business Growth 

When contemplating the addition of a new channel to your media mix, the initial assessment must align with key elements of a successful marketing strategy: business objectives and target audience. Evaluating the platform itself is crucial, considering capabilities, cost, and effort. However, it’s vital to challenge preconceptions; a platform like TikTok, while unconventional, may still be effective for your business.

Assess the Potential: Alignment With Business Objectives 

Prior to determining the suitability of a specific channel, it’s crucial to adopt a comprehensive view of the business. This involves understanding the who/what/where/when/why aspects of your goals to ensure that the how, or your media strategy, is crafted to effectively support those objectives.

TikTok Won’t Stop: The Performance Playbook For Brands | DMC

At each funnel stage, holding your marketing budget accountable requires clear, measurable KPIs aligned with the specific stage and channel, linking back to core business goals. These metrics guide decision-making. To assess TikTok’s suitability for your business goals, address these questions:

  • Evaluate your current brand positioning and performance.
  • Analyze TikTok trends and opportunities, gauging existing mentions.
  • Understand changing consumer behavior and TikTok’s user activity.
  • Examine competitors’ TikTok presence and its impact.
  • Assess your ability to measure overall business impact beyond channel metrics.

Align your goals with audience insights and TikTok trends for content that resonates throughout the purchase journey. Beyond revenue, consider factors like brand perception, market share, and expansion plans for sustainable growth. Mature business objectives involve activating media across the funnel. Examples of Core Business Objectives:

  • Enhance brand positioning and category awareness.
  • Profitably acquire new customers at scale.
  • Boost customer LTV and long-term profits.

Assessing TikTok Across The Funnel

Typically, this involves emphasizing brand ethos during the awareness stage, providing product education in the consideration phase, and incorporating urgency messaging in the conversion phase.

Begin with an upper-funnel objective such as awareness or affinity when utilizing TikTok to reach target audiences and experiment with content. After gauging the opportunity, evaluate its alignment with your business objectives to determine suitability.

TikTok Won’t Stop: The Performance Playbook For Brands | DMC

Find Your Audience: The Growing Universe of TikTok Users 

Place your audience at the core of your media planning. Comprehend their media consumption habits, brand expectations, and the factors influencing their consideration across various media settings. Begin by determining their presence on the platform. While TikTok has witnessed remarkable growth, dispel the misconception that it solely caters to teens without significant purchasing influence.

TikTok Won’t Stop: The Performance Playbook For Brands | DMC

In reality, TikTok has a broad user base, extending beyond teens. The 18-35 age group is the fastest-growing, while the 45+ demographic constitutes around 20% of users. TikTok users engage in familiar behaviors akin to other platforms; they seek information, entertainment, and community building.

Similar to Google, it serves informational purposes; like TV, it offers entertainment; akin to Instagram, users scroll extensively, and resembling Snapchat, they form unique communities with distinct language and references.

TikTok Won’t Stop: The Performance Playbook For Brands | DMC

Short Videos Are The General Preference, But Longer Ones Are Well-liked Among Younger Consumers

TikTok’s distinctive value lies in its unique algorithm that continually surfaces relevant content, irrespective of existing connections. Relevance and engagement matter most on TikTok, where users prioritize content on their For You Page over content from familiar creators.

The platform is more than a passive viewing experience; users actively engage, create, and foster community. Strategies effective on other platforms may not resonate on TikTok.

To understand your audience’s preferences, goals, and their alignment with TikTok’s creative environment, direct engagement on the platform is crucial. Insights from in-platform signals, especially engagement metrics, are indispensable for a nuanced understanding.

TikTok Won’t Stop: The Performance Playbook For Brands | DMC

Finding Niche Communities on TikTok

Key hashtags unveil ongoing discussions within your audience. Explore industry, category, and brand-related conversations on TikTok. Conducting hashtag searches by topic quickly confirms community engagement. Analyze trending content and gauge the platform’s momentum.

TikTok Won’t Stop: The Performance Playbook For Brands | DMC

Dive deeper into TikTok strategies. Download our comprehensive guide and continue reading for valuable insights to master your TikTok game!

The Table of Contents of “TikTok Won’t Stop: The Performance Playbook for Brands” Guide:

  • The Opportunity: Evaluate TikTok As A Tool for Business Growth 
  • Assess the Potential: Alignment With Business Objectives
  • Find Your Audience: The Growing Universe of TikTok Users
  • Enter the Arena: Why Now?
  • The Creative: Build Authentic, Engaging Content That Connects 
  • Make Great TikToks, Not Ads: Creative Best Practices
  • Take the Shortcut to High-Impact Creative: Partnering With Creators
  • Always Be Testing: Prioritizing Creative Innovation
  • The Strategy: Take a Holistic Approach Across Organic & Paid 
  • Build An Organic Foundation: Discovering What Resonates
  • Turn Up the Volume: Leveraging TikTok’s Paid Capabilities
  • Articulate Your Impact: Measuring Success Across the Funnel
  • The Future: Take The First Step Into A New Phase of Digital

Number of Pages:

  • 41 pages


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