Digital Marketing Guides & Strategies

Content Strategy Guide | Brandwatch

Content Marketing

Effective content marketers prioritize data.

This goes beyond just tracking clicks; it involves incorporating valuable insights at every stage of the content process. From developing a strategy and brainstorming ideas to monitoring performance and assessing business impact, data is crucial for creating content that resonates with consumers in a meaningful and authentic manner, ultimately driving results.

In this guide, we’ll guide you through building a content strategy and asset plan from the ground up, useful methods for analyzing competitor content, and how to demonstrate the value of content marketing initiatives to key stakeholders within your organization.

We’ll also provide examples and how-to guides on:

  • Understanding target audiences to shape your content strategy
  • Generating insights for reactive content
  • Identifying key audience pain points and unmet needs to create resonant content

Throughout the guide, Megan O’Donnell, Director of Solutions Strategy at Brandwatch, will share best practices and steps to success for content marketers.

Megan advises current and potential clients, aligning their objectives with solutions to ensure successful business outcomes. She has extensive experience helping businesses develop and execute content plans, making content strategy a common use case for her clients.

Approaching Content Strategy

Digital Consumer Intelligence and Content Strategy

Digital consumer intelligence involves combining key data sources to generate consumer insights that lead to better decision-making. Savvy content strategists leverage digital insights to understand their audience’s needs and preferences, determine what works and what doesn’t, and create relevant content with a measurable impact on the business.

Brandwatch's Content Strategy Guide | DMC

Building a Content Strategy

Various factors shape a successful content strategy. The starting point is the organization’s goals. “Understanding how your team’s priorities align with the strategic goals and objectives of the company is crucial,” says Megan.

With this perspective, you can begin to envision what success looks like and what needs to be communicated.

Equally important is defining your audiences. Who are they? What do they want? What do they need? What behaviors, perceptions, or outcomes are you trying to influence in them? “This comprehensive plan should help you not only understand your success but also communicate its significance to your organization,” Megan adds.

Assuming you’re not starting entirely from scratch, you probably have an archive of content. Analyzing this content’s performance, benchmarking it, and understanding what worked well and what didn’t will help you develop a content plan optimized for results.

As Megan highlights, the metrics you use to benchmark your content performance are crucial.

Brandwatch's Content Strategy Guide | DMC

Competitor Content Analysis (That Actually Delivers Results)

Analyzing competitor content is a common practice among content marketers, but it’s essential to approach it with a clear focus. Before diving into the data, it’s crucial to identify what specific insights you aim to gain.

Megan emphasizes the importance of understanding the competitive landscape. For instance, if several competitors are adopting a new strategy, it might be worth considering how it could impact your approach. However, simple metrics like share of voice can be misleading without proper context and may not provide meaningful insights.

Brandwatch's Content Strategy Guide | DMC

There’s another layer to competitor analysis that involves differentiating between competitors and comparators. Competitors are those within your industry, while comparators are organizations outside your sector that have achieved goals you aspire to reach. These might be larger, more acclaimed organizations whose strategies you can learn from.

Effective competitor analysis should always align with your functional and organizational objectives. The most valuable insights will be those that help you understand how to achieve your goals more effectively.

Additionally, when evaluating your competitive landscape, consider looking beyond direct competitors. This can include analyzing non-branded online conversations to gain a broader perspective.


Ready to transform your social content strategy? Dive into our detailed guide to master the art of content marketing and achieve exceptional results. Continue reading now!

The Table of Contents of “Content Strategy” Guide:

  • Introduction
  • How to approach content strategy
    • Digital consumer intelligence and content strategy
    • Building a content strategy
  • Competitor content analysis (that’s actually useful)
  • Showing the value
  • In practice: How-to guides for common use cases
    • Better understand target audience to inform content strategy
    • How to generate insights for reactive content
    • How to create content that speaks to key customer questions and pain points
  • Further resources
  • Create content that resonates


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