Mad Over Social is a leading digital marketing agency in India which provides digital marketing and branding solutions for its clients.
Mad Over Social deals with the promotion and branding of hotels and as well as provides technology and hospitality solutions to its travel and hotel clients.
Its digital marketing expertise includes services such as Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing and Search Engine Marketing that are essential to creating a strong brand presence in online space.
With an expansive experience in web solutions, technology and hospitality consultancy, Mad Over Social has recently started its ride into the digital mad lane and the ride so far has made us grow more hungry and mad for doing kick-ass work.
Mad Over Social are a team with big dreams and crazy brains who live by the idea of being social and creative, be it at work or life in general. There are some common traits (food being the biggest one!) that bind it together, keep it going and motivate it to come out with awesomeness.
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